

park city - main street53
park city - main street54
park city - main street52

I've been a bit bored with my closet, lately. So, I decided to snazz up one of my all time favorite trapeze dresses with a little alteration to allow for a belt. A snip here, a snip there and voila- a completely new silhouette! I love the way that it flows now, and it gave me enough spark to be satisfied with the dress for a while longer. Outside of this, I've been pretty busy with little projects, and I've been busy loving this warm weather. Now all I need is for the estate sale season to start up again *fingers crossed*.

Dress: Cher Shoes: Aldo


Unknown said...

the dress flows gorgeous :) i am so confused... how does the belt go around it, because it doesnt seem like it goes around the back! anyway, super cute as always!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

The Semi Sweet said...

This is a great alteration!! It's so cute!!

GIAA said...

wonderful dress, so cute and with a special twist to it! Love it!


Anonymous said...

Ingenious and such a simple solution.

yOka said...

what a lovely dress!
I love how u use taht belt!


Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

Omy! This is soooo brilliant! Rather than belting the entire dress...snip snip business in the front and party in the back! I love this! {Actually gonna steal it and letcha know how it goes :D}

Peace. Love. LOL!

Haute Khuuture Blog

roanjean said...

Very clever, Megan!

The Explosive Orange

The Fancy Teacup said...

Wow, you altered the dress beautifully! I love the cape effect, yet how deceptive the belt has an all-around look. Very pretty, girl!

♥, Jamie

Frannie Pantz said...

This dress is so adorable! Yeah for warm weather!

Shasie said...

oooh I like the brown and the black together

Live Life in Style

herecomesthesun said...

Gosh I wouldn't be bored with your wardrobe! You have so many lovely pieces, I get closet envy from your posts all the time :)

Unknown said...

what a cute dress! a simple little fix can make all the difference! glad you have some sunny weather :)


Eva said...

I love the dress!
The last picture is so pretty!

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PRI said...

Loving the cape effect!!


Jessica Paramartha said...

aaah love this outfit so much especially the dress and hat!

you're so adorable :)

visit mine?


Liana said...

wow you are so creative, the dress turned out amazing and it looks so unique! i've been so bored with my clothing lately too, been trying to figure out new ways to wear things...glad you found a way!

oh and i've said this a couple times, but your hair is amazing :)

Fashion Bag 411

out of order said...

loooove what you've done with the dress! So cool!


Becca said...

What a fantastic idea! I too can't wait for estate sale season, which starts in Fall in Florida.

Unknown said...

You altered that dress in such a cool way! It has a really interesting silhouette now! Such a great color too. Love the hat!

Sara said...

cute dress!


Chloe said...

Oh I love this dress. So so so lovely.

C x

Unknown said...

Good job.It looks adorable on you :)

Anonymous said...

Really love your dress! nice photos btw. xx


MarkusUrbas said...

the dress is just simply gorgeous!

Anaivilo said...

I love what you did with that dress, it looks great on you! And I also love that necklace :D

LĂșcia said...

really like the shoes! so pretty.

Unknown said...

This is funny and lovely : GORGEOUS !

See U !

Ginta said...

Perfect little DIY! Love it! Now the dress is absolutely perfect!

Gabriella said...

obsessed with your dress!!!!!!


Meena Dhuga said...

so cute!! love the dress, and the necklace is so cool with the tribal beads !! digging the background.


Meena xxx

cryskay said...

you have such a great style! love everything about this outfit. xx

Stacey Kay said...

How fabulous are you? Wow I love the addition of this necklace to the outfit.

Stacey Kay
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Unknown said...

You look wonderful! I love what you did with the dress! And these shoes are fab too!

Kennedy said...

that dress is so cute! i love the little stripes <3

Anonymous said...

Beautiful outfit <3
So pleased I found your blog!

aclineo said...

that top is so lovely

Lauren Helen said...

Wow the dress looks beautiful! You should do diys for the less talented folks :)

Lauren Helen said...

Wow the dress looks beautiful! You should do diys for the less talented folks :)

Yasmin Hassegawa said...

oh my god! What a gorgeous look!=)
Loved the hat and the dress ;D

Anonymous said...

this is absolutely genius!!! i love it!! great blog, i'm a new follower :) check me out and follow too if you like.
