
It Never Ends



Oh man, I woke up this morning to MORE SNOW! So, in spite of Mother Nature's wishes, I decided to put on the brightest pieces I have in my wardrobe- so there, Mother Nature.  Snow aside, I couldn't resist wearing this amazing suit. As you all know, I have an obsession with suits at the moment, and I was so excited when I found this one a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately it's a tad bit to big for me so I decided to pass it on to the next appreciative owner, and it's currently available on my Etsy store.  I'm running out of things to do indoors, and I cannot wait for this absurd weather to let up.

Blouse: Vintage Suit: Vintage Shoes: Aldo


Look even the flowers are sad.


amanda said...

you and those shorts just kicked that snow's ASS! and i bet it hurt since you're wearing some pretty awesome heels :) oh i hope it all goes away soon!!

The Fancy Teacup said...

Oh my goodness, more snow??? How you can handle it, it never ceases to amaze me. You look extraordinary in that red, and those heels are killer gorgeous.

much love.

Frannie Pantz said...

No. Freaking. Kidding. ENOUGH WITH THE SNOW/CLOUDS/OVERCAST/RAIN ALREADY!!!!! On the plus side, even though the flowers are sad, you are looking amazing in that brilliant red suit.

jennie going west said...

i totally hate snow too,but it makes for a good backdrop! that red POPS. you look great, as always :)

fashionismyh2o said...

Love this outfit! You are so much braver than me wearing that in the snow lol :)


LyddieGal said...

And here i've been thinking that rain is awful, but i dont think i could stand another snowfall!
Hope it melts soon!

Chic on the Cheap

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Goodness, you are so brave to show your legs on such a snowy day!


Chloe said...

This looks so gorgeous on you.

C x

Linzy said...

Omg I thought the weather in California was bad! I can't believe it's still snowing in some places. Bi-polar weather, I swear.

On that note, love the outfit! :D

Little Acorns

Anonymous said...

it really does seem like it's been snowing forever on your blog! I love your super bright look though, totally fab. those shorts are so cute!


Unknown said...

That is a striking color on you! i love it

xo galmeetsglam.com

Sara said...

Wow I love the bright colors! I love wearing summery clothes in winter :)

amalie said...

gorgeous! LOVE the colors xx

Anaivilo said...

Very weird weather indeed, It's shocking for me to see this at the end of May. But your outfit is so cool! I really love this hot red and the shorts are very very cute! :D

Carmen said...

Love how vibrant the colours are in this outfit! I love each of the pieces you are wearing!

Carmen Ri.

Hannah said...

Oh my, I can't believe you still have snow! I really do hope the weather gets warm for you over there very soon. And that suit EXTREMELY pretty. Nothing like a lovely, vibrant shade of red to conquer the snow-induced blues :)

The Semi Sweet said...

How incredibly sad. I was hoping to read that these pictures were taken a couple of months ago and you decided to share them today! I can't believe it snowed in May.

Despite the snow though, you're red hot! Love it!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

awww poor flowers. Regardless of the snow, that last shot is really amazing and so pretty.

Unknown said...

holy COW more snow???? it was 95 degrees here today!! haha id rather be you though, trust me. i like all the red, you look elegant!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Unknown said...

woah snow!!!??? wow! Well you look fabulous gurl! The bright colors are beautiful:)

Gela said...

i love how bright you look amidst the snow! you pulled off all red so well, undoubtedly of course. :)

boat ride through the sky


the bright red against the snow looks so pretty, but goodness gracious! i'd probably cry if i walked outside and saw snow at this point. what a weird spring!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

I love the red against the snow...but wow..its may! I can't believe you have snow. I'm not whining about the weather ever again. But really, the red layers are stunning.

Unknown said...

good thing you wore red to spice up that whiteness around you! haha. love the dress, and lovely wedges as well :]


Adele said...

love the boldness of the colors! <3


Anonymous said...


I just found you on lookbook and saw that you were from Park City! I am from Pocatello, ID, so not too far. So glad to know that you are so successful with fashion in the area :) I am now following your blog with blogger, bloglovin as well as on twitter :)

Kate Mills

Doganiam Motyle said...

great look, great colour

Claire Hart said...

i am so in love with these coloura! you look incredible dear, you're such a stunner :)

Victoria said...

oh wow you look stunning!! great post loving it :) be sure to check out mine


Unknown said...

Hey, but it's a little bit of color block !!

You look as good as always

See U !

Vicki said...

love this suit!! you are so brave wearing it in the snow!! its such a stunning colour :) xo

Giana Aleah said...

takes a true fashionista to show some beautiful style in snow, amazing outfit!! glad i bumped in.

hope you visit me too!!



Unknown said...

I was complainin about endless rain but after seeing snow, ı stopped it!:) lovely outfit, red looks marvellous on the white background. And I also liked the jacket very much!


Christina of Profresh Style said...

wow, how gorgeous. I love this monochromatic red look and you're in SNOW no less. Work it girl!


love the colour!

I'm having a giveaway on my blog. check it out :)


Mischel double W said...

wow! the colors are amazing!!


New York Don't Leave Me said...

Wow I guess i won't complain about weather in NY anymore! Love the bright red on you! hope you get some sun!

Amber said...

I love this. I love the red, but you look cold in the snow!

Natalie Suarez said...

GORGEOUS! i love it :)


RYAN said...

Amazing look, the red stands out from the snow :)

Ms. Falcon said...

amazing colours, gorgeous shapes, awesome textures... crazy snow.


Lindsey A. Turner said...

I can't believe you're out there in the snow! You are a fashion trooper! love the bright color combo. You look so springy despite the weather!

Lindsey Turner

Unknown said...


HI!my name's martina and I come from Italy... I'd like you visit my blog and if you want... follow me! I wait you and your tips!

Nadine Flatt said...

awesome hair!!!

Cristiana Nunes said...

Love your suit, and also the fact that it is red and that is an oversized blazer!

Sharnie Hung said...

Amazing! So chic! I'm gushing the whole post through. :D

Dani Freitas said...

Wonderful lady in red!!!

VENZedits said...

I LOVE monochrome- especially red! Nice work.