
Easy Breezy


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Top: Piko Skirt: Edme & Esyllte Shoes: Le Bunny Bleu

Contrary to popular belief, the air isn't always clear and fresh 7,000 feet in the air. There have been raging wild fires in the valley below, and the sky's taken on an eerie orange glow while the heat increases. Solution: stay inside, and if you're forced to go out, where something cute, light, and flowing. 

More important than fire-season fashion tips, one of my favorites sites, MODCLOTH, will be having a sale tomorrow featuring my hand-selected favorite pieces inspired by Park City in its lineup, 24% off in celebration of their Adventure in Style campaign.  Tune in bright and early on the morning of 6/26 for full details on the sale and how to find my picks.


JanandJill.com said...

You look so gorgeous and I love that skirt. The pattern, colors with that top are so perfect


Heather Cavanaugh said...

OOO your skirt is so pretty! The pattern is so unique and interesting. Fab look.


ahoymichelle said...

The pleats make the pattern pop even more! Love your skirt!


Toushka said...

Really nice outfit! i love how you matched the colors.

Frannie Pantz said...

I live in Colorado. I know the fires you speak of. They are EVERYWHERE and the air is shit and the smoke is out of control. It's been a real tough summer here.

On a lighter note, your pleated printed skirt is too cute. I love that crop top with it and the oxfords and I swear you are the only stylish woman on the planet that can get away with a beanie in July (looks super cute btw). ;-)

Natali said...

Great skirt and shoes, you look lovely :)


Chloë, Wardrobe Quarry said...

you are beautiful! I love the skirt and all the accessories you've paired it with.

Wardrobe Quarry

Unknown said...

Cute blog. I'm a follower!


Unknown said...

obsessed with that skirt on you!


Anaivilo said...

That skirt is brilliant! I love the print so much and it also has amazing colors! :D

Nkemdilim Oranye said...

ooooooooo that skirt is so totally FAB and you rockin it.


Unknown said...

That skirt is ridiculously amazing! Love it!


Britney @ Scout and Company said...

Oh my that skirt is just darling!!
-Britney of Lemonwood and Honey

Jamie Rose said...

That skirt is awesome! I love all the colors in it. That crop top looks great with it too.
I hope all those fires stop soon. I've been hearing about the Colorado fires all over the news lately.

Lisa said...

Love the skirt!

Anonymous said...

ooooo LOVE the skirt.